athletics day

Athletics day


Yesterday we had athletics! day at glen innes School


First we had a team that has colour I was put in purple  we were waiting for our turn to run the 400 meter run but it was the year 2 or 3 was running first we were all cheering. 


Next turn was either room 9 or 8 going next we were doing the 100m race and the games we were playing was relays tug of war 3 sticks sprint races (going up to 100m then 200m then 400m) gumboot throwing.

Then in tug of war my foot and head hit someone and my foot started to bleed and it ripped my skin.


Finally when we were running i still had my skin ripped off and i came second place in the 400m race fahim was looking back at me i thought it was an encouragement so i kept going


Some times you got some encouragement saying never stop and keep going and have a goal to achieve

flutter by

A tiny winged horse named flutterby flies about the island of Serendipity trying to discover her special purpose in life. Through a series of magical miss adventures, she discovers she is very special just being herself

Butterflies used to be called Flutterbys. The word “butterfly” comes from the Old English word “buttorfleoge,” which is a combination of the words for “butter” and “fly.” The reasons for the name are obscure. … The insects were sometimes believed to be witches disguised as butterflies and

Is it flutterby or butterfly?

As for the word ‘flutterby,’ it’s been suggested that it’s simply the case of a child’s habit of transposing syllables, like ‘basketti’ for spaghetti, and ‘pillercat’ for caterpillar. And her rich, wavy hair. Whether butterfly or flutterby, there’s no reason both can’t be used. and

Why did they change Flutterby to Butterfly?

That is a myth that has been debunked by various sources. The word ‘butterfly’ comes from the Old English ‘buttorfleoge’, which means ‘butter fly’. The word ‘flutterby’ was used by some children as an expression for butterfly, but it was not a common or official term. and the moral of the story is

No matter what happens, hard work will always lead to success. Yes, it may seem like it will never end, but without fighting or working hard for any goal, achievement, or aim, you’ll never truly get what you desire


how to play tennis netball

1 The teams.

2 Substitutions.

3 Playing positions and their roles on the court.

4 Starting the game/ centre pass.

5 Footwork in the centre circle.

6 Offside rule.

7 Footwork.

8 Obstruction

The object of the game is for teams to pass a ball around and to shoot it into the goal ring to score goals. During play, a player with the ball can only take one step before passing it. She must also pass or shoot for goal within three seconds. However, goals can only be scored by the assigned shooting players

1 You cannot travel with the ball.

2 You cannot snatch or hit the ball out of a player’s hands. …

3 You must stand 3 feet away from the person with the ball (while defending).

4 You cannot hold the ball for more than 3 seconds.

and Players are not allowed to take food or drinks (except water) onto the playing court at any time, this also includes chewing gum. Fingernails must be cut short or taped. The umpire may request a player to re-tape or cut their nails at any time. Gloves are allowed to be worn.

snow friends

Max stared out the window.Snow was falling thick and white Max loved snow but today it made him sad.He had just moved to a new town and had nobody to play with so Max put on his snow clothes and went outside.He felt lonely so he decided to build a friend he rolled three big snowballs and stacked them up.and Max used buttons for eyes he added a carrot and a licorice for the mouth and then ‘hello’Max said to his snow friend ‘hello’responded a voice Max whirled around and saw a boy in a blue hat ‘i’m James’ said the boy’i like your snowman ‘sure thing’

Stolen stars of matariki


The Stolen Stars of Matariki is a picture book story about two children, Sam and Te Rerehua, visiting Grandma and Pōua at Te Mata Hāpuku (Birdling’s Flat). While collecting agate and fishing for eels from the beach they look up at the stars and their grandmother tells them stories of guys stealing the stars because the boy notice that they were three stars missing ,then nana noticed and then they went to find the guys who stole the three stars and they found them and saved the three stars .


today we made a sentence with every letter from the word oranges and here’s a picture you can see what it but if you could not see it here’s what it says

Oranges are very healthy it contains healthy sugar
Ripe oranges and be ripe and ready to eat
Always has been healthy ever since we saw it 
Nutrients are in oranges and very healthy 
Good for your health and your hydration 
Every time you eat oranges it will help with diseases
Sometimes its sour and sometimes its sweet

and at the start of it it says ORANGES in capital

cap’n smudge

the story is that guy by the name of smudge smudge Serendipity, the sea serpent, tries to convince Cap’n Smudge to stop dumping garbage in the sea in retaliation for the fishermen who made fun of him. so he tryed to find a way to get revenge by putting trash in the ocean and a mythacal creatrue said whats the problem then they said a diffrent story and then the mythical cretrure went to cap’n smudge asked him why and he told the true story but then the mythical creatrure started to cry and once the mythical creture made them be sorry they were ashamed of them os they gave smudge a new leg the moral of the story is that there consuqases how bad you are or kind

biograpy about william shakespear

 william shakespear and he died at the age of 52 when he died and shakespeare’s father made gloves for a living. and Shakespeare was born 23rd April 1564. … i wish i could  meet him but Shakespeare died on 23 April 1616, at the age of 52. He died within a month of signing his will, a document which he begins by describing himself as being in “perfect health”. No extant contemporary source explains how or why he died or Shakespeare’s death is a mystery. It’s been speculated that he died of syphilis or was even murdered. Helen explores the theory that comes from a diary written by a Stratford Vicar 50 years after Shakespeare’s death and william shakespears friends are Seen with Shakespeare and Raleigh are Thomas Dorset; Josuah Sylvester; William Camden; John Selden; Francis Beaumont; John Fletcher; Francis Bacon; Ben Jonson; Samuel Daniel; John Donne; Henry Wriothesley Southampton; Robert Cotton; Thomas Dekker; and Thomas Sackville Dorset and william shakespears hieght is 1.72 m and William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, in April 1564. The exact date of his birth is not recorded, but the birth of this giant of a playwright and poet is most often celebrated around the world on April 23 and his plays are All’s Well That Ends Well (1601–05)Antony and Cleopatra (1606–07) As You Like It (1598–1600)The Comedy of Errors (1589–94) Coriolanus (c. 1608) Cymbeline (1608–10) Hamlet (c. 1599–1601) Henry IV, Part 1 (c. 1596–97)