Athletics day
Yesterday we had athletics! day at glen innes School
First we had a team that has colour I was put in purple we were waiting for our turn to run the 400 meter run but it was the year 2 or 3 was running first we were all cheering.
Next turn was either room 9 or 8 going next we were doing the 100m race and the games we were playing was relays tug of war 3 sticks sprint races (going up to 100m then 200m then 400m) gumboot throwing.
Then in tug of war my foot and head hit someone and my foot started to bleed and it ripped my skin.
Finally when we were running i still had my skin ripped off and i came second place in the 400m race fahim was looking back at me i thought it was an encouragement so i kept going
Some times you got some encouragement saying never stop and keep going and have a goal to achieve